Fundación de Trabajadores de la Siderurgia Integral

The Fundación de Trabajadores de la Siderurgia Integral (FTSI) is a non-profit foundation, based in the Basque Country, Asturias and the Valencian Community.
The Foundation is specialized in socio-labour insertion (guidance, training, accompaniment, internship management, job prospecting, etc.), socio-educational intervention, the promotion of entrepreneurship, awareness of values and volunteering.
From 2009 to date, we have carried out more than 700 social and labour insertion projects, in which more than 20,000 people and more than 500 companies have been reached.
We have extensive experience in the training of professional skills (professional training) and transversal skills. We focus our work in the area of professional skills towards training processes that begin with an analysis of the labour market and that promote the formation of students in the workplace through internships. In this way, we can extract knowledge from this process and participate in the creation and improvement of orientation and training.
The groups and collectives to which we offer our services are very heterogeneous, although we specialize in those we consider most vulnerable. Since 2009
We work with people at risk of social exclusion, the long-term unemployed, ethnic minorities, immigrants, young people, women and minors. Our employment services.